Is Jesus a problem?

I received an email yesterday telling me of a conspiracy. It seems the atheists are trying to get Jesus out of the government. The email also contained a prayer designed to keep Jesus in the government and also protect my home, family and income.

That’s all well and good, but here’s where I get confused. The previous six emails I received from this particular sender all complained vigorously about this very same government. So I have a couple of questions.

Are the atheists trying to get Jesus out of the government because they feel he’s not doing a good job? And why does this particular individual and his brethren want to keep Jesus in a government they feel is failing them at every turn?

It seems to me that Jesus isn’t really the problem at all. I think people have put too much faith in their government, which was never created to take care of us in the first place. It’s only purpose is to represent us, the ordinary people who are, in fact, the majority.

Have they failed us? Perhaps. But maybe it’s time to take a look within ourselves and consider how we’re failing to represent ourselves. Most people put more thought into their favorite football team than they give to solving their real concerns.

I think most people do care and would like to feel represented, but they just feel powerless. It’s true. Some people have power. But Jesus IS power. He doesn’t need our protection or our prayers. All he really wants is our love. He lives only in our heart, not in any institution. Complaining takes us in the wrong direction.

We give up our power, we give up Jesus, when we speak and act in judgement of others. The only solution is love. It seems so silly and futile, something only a childish mind could put any faith in. But then, didn’t Jesus try to tell us something about believing as a child does.
