The truth is invisible

The world about us provides a reality, not the only reality but its substance cannot be denied. Our external reality may be one of comfort, misery or anything in between. It may also fluctuate. It should be evident that anyone living enjoyably with a degree of prosperity may quickly find their situation changed to the point where they are struggling to survive.

What has changed? Did the person with position and wealth suddenly become someone else due to a change in circumstance? Where is the truth of a person found? We place great value on appearance, on matters of dress, education, title, and credit score. Does the truth of the individual become something other when appearance changes?

To determine what is true for you you need only answer one simple question; who are you. To gain favor in the world and its institutions your answer will likely be one based on achievement and ability. The greatest problem with this, especially considering the rapid pace of change today, is that experience and talent in high demand right now may be worthless next year.

So who is this person standing in front of the mirror? There is obviously more than the image reveals. The truth of each persons being is hidden somewhere within them. No one can tell you what to feel or how you should respond to the worlds distortions. Your beliefs and feelings are personal. They reflect a greater truth that lives deep within you, the real you.

But do you listen to the truth of yourself? Or are you easily distracted by the worlds assertions? When the medical professional tells you you need surgery or expensive medication, do you accept without protest? It is so much easier to blindly accept scientific evidence than to pay the price of time and effort required to find your release through the powers inherent within your greater being.

It is relatively easy to find information pointing to the source of our personal redemption. Turning off the noise of the television, the media, and the proclamations of the world presents a greater challenge. It is this noise that must be challenged and ultimately rejected before your personal truth can be known.

What is personal truth? There must be One Truth that applies to All and Every circumstance. Yet before we can find the greater we must serve the lesser. Personal truth comes through the heart, not the mind. It is something you feel, a sense of rightness or goodness without regard for circumstance or external rule.

Personal freedom, as with everything of real value, is a condition of the heart. It is something you feel and ultimately live. A world that expects conformity to established rules of order and behavior does not appreciate the beauty that lives within an individual expressing their personal freedom of life and liberty.

It may be necessary to fake it for a while, allowing those who think themselves above you to have their way, for a time. When you are ready. When you have the strength of character and resolve necessary to stand on your own and declare your truth, then you will open a door that can never be closed. It is the way of the Heart, of Life, of real freedom and truth.

The truth is invisible. It cannot be seen or felt by those whose eyes see only the reality of the external world. Once you have discovered it the incontrovertible truths of the world will no longer have power over you. You will be free. You will know the truth. And the world will not understand.
