We go where we look

My first professional driving instructor taught me to drive safely. He would say, look where you want to go. If you want to avoid an object in the road, look where you want to go, not at the object in the road. My second professional driving instructor taught me to drive fast. He would say, look where you want to go, not where you’ve been. The rearview mirror was removed from the car.

If you would like more prosperity in your life, then place your attention on prosperity. Of course, there’s an object in the road, lack. Don’t look at it. Don’t think about it. Just look in the direction you want to go and move on by it. It really is that simple. The only real problem is that most of us don’t follow these simple instructions.

Instead we talk about the problem. We mention it to our friends, discuss it with our family, watch for it on the news, and search for it on the internet. And then we wonder why it won’t go away. You’re looking at it. That’s why! Don’t look where you don’t want to go. Don’t pay attention to what you don’t want in your life.

Can you do this? Of course you can. Will you do it? Well?

If you want more prosperity in your life, don’t look for it in the past. You won’t see it in the rearview mirror. You can’t see where you’re going when you’re busy looking at where you’ve already been. Put your powerful mind to work for you. Think about what you want and only about what you want.

When life requires that you deal with something you don’t want, deal with it while putting your attention on what you want. You don’t want the problem. You want the solution. Think about the solution, which is really the same thing as seeing the obstacle in the road and driving around it by looking where you want to go.

Your thoughts and words are the vehicle. You are the driver. Where are you looking? Where do you want to go?