Put some thunder in your life

There was a donut shop in the center of town which my wife would suggest we visit once or twice a month. Never wanting to deny my sweet her treat, I’d comply. Just before exiting the car she’d ask me what I wanted. My answer was always the same, chocolate thunder.

You may not know what a chocolate thunder donut is so I’ll describe it. It’s similar to a jelly donut but, instead of white sugar, it’s coated with a thick, dark chocolate icing. If we stopped right there we’d have a darn good chocolate donut, but there’s more. The inside is filled with a lightly whipped chocolate cream. This filling turns an ordinary chocolate donut into a chocolate thunder, a chocolate lovers dream. Give me two of those and forget about dinner, I’m satisfied.

One day, after my wife had finished with her favorite indulgence, she asked how mine was. I replied, “it was good, but they forgot the thunder.” It was a tasty chocolate donut, but it wasn’t a chocolate thunder!

Now, my question for you; are you remembering to put some thunder into your efforts? We usually hear the thunder before we see the lightning or feel the rain. It’s the same with most things in life. Don’t be afraid to make a bit of noise on the way to your next exploit.

It’s all about having fun along the way. And if you’re like me, extra chocolate makes it that much more enjoyable. Thunder on!