Category: Life Lessons

  • It’s the little things that matter most

    When you’re out of money, it’s the little things that matter most. Given a choice between food and mascara, which would you choose? If you’re a woman the choice is obvious, mascara. You have to feel good about yourself if you’re going to get out there to improve your situation. This points out the biggest…

  • What is important?

    Imagine driving down the highway about 60 miles per hour when a large dump truck crosses the dividing line into your lane no more than 200 feet in front of you. Time slows to a crawl as your head-on collision becomes imminent. What’s going through your mind? What’s important? Are you thinking about that project…

  • Just answer the damn question!

    There are certain pivotal moments in our life when the possibility of a dream coming true presents itself. It would be so much easier to fully realize the significance of these particular moments if certain signs or signals were also provided. For instance, the sound of celestial music, a heavenly light illuminating the scene, my…

  • It’s what you put into your mind that matters most

    We had just parked the car and were walking towards the entrance to the mall. My daughter, age 7, is riding on my shoulders. A seagull, flying overhead, relieved himself depositing a large load of poop right on top of my head. My daughter, being a first-hand witness to this very disagreeable event, scrambled to…

  • I think best when I’m not thinking

    I think best when I’m not thinking. That was the essence of what she said to me. For the past few days my wife and I had been discussing a decision we needed to make about our work together. We’d covered all the facts and figures. Now we simply needed to decide, yes or no.…

  • How to be yourself

    I was 7 years old when I got caught stealing. I was outside of the store when the manager rapped on the window, pointed at me, and yelled, “wait right there”. I stood there, watching him walk further into the store to exit the counter, then on the other side of the counter to the…

  • How to see more clearly

    If I were to tell you that you have a blind spot in your eye, you might not believe me. But it’s true. There is a spot on our cornea which does not register light, a blind spot in the middle of our vision. Yet we see a complete picture because our brain fills in…