Category: Life Lessons

  • When did you close your mind?

    I looked out my home office window. A mother is walking by with a baby in a stroller. A three year old boy ran past her, then slows to match her pace. The mother looks straight ahead. The boy looks everywhere. Something in a yard catches his attention. He runs to investigate. This is an…

  • Stretch your mind muscle

    Everyone knows the benefits of physical activity. In order to grow bigger, faster, stronger muscles you need to stretch them, pushing them further and harder than usual. It’s the stretching, the tearing of the muscle fabric, that causes the increase and improvement of muscle. Muscles that aren’t exercised atrophy. The cells degenerate, they lose the…

  • Rule your destiny

    All things are possible when we’re young. The possibilities diminish as we grow older. Or so it appears. What if, no matter your age or inclination, you could become the ruler of the greatest nation on Earth? You can. That land is your imagination. There is nothing in the world that did not first reside…

  • You’re not an assassin. Are You?

    Have you ever found yourself excusing your behavior by saying, “I’m just doing my job.” You probably disagreed, in principle, with your own action. But you were paid to do it. You accepted the position, assumed responsibility for the outcome, and compromised your integrity. Perhaps your job is to ensure customer satisfaction. Every asshole, regardless…

  • I put a spell on you

    Dennis Waitley tells a story about a football player who was hypnotized and told that an 8 ounce paper weight weighed 500 pounds. He was asked to pick it up. He strained but couldn’t. Measurement devices showed he was pulling up with enough strength to lift a 400 pound barbell off the floor, but his…

  • Measuring down

    Do you measure up? Just like no-fault insurance, this is a term that means exactly its opposite. Comparing yourself to others will often end up bringing you down. There’s always going to be someone smarter, better looking, happier, healthier, more charismatic, wealthier. It’s a no-win game. Stop playing. Change the rules. If you must compare,…

  • Fear and encouragement

    My son was three. I took him to a fast-food restaurant in a nearby town to let him play on their indoor playground after we ate. I sat on a bench and watched. He had climbed halfway up a net that led to a circular slide and stopped. He began to cry. I asked him…