Care for a little bondage?

We are all subject to the influence of others. Everyone is selling something, even if it’s only their self-image. We either want something or we want someone to believe something. Sometimes it’s both.

Marketing is everywhere. Oh yes, even here. Have you gotten the message? It’s a bit subliminal, but it’s there, in every page of my blog. I’m a devious dude, pulling you in, word by word, sentence by sentence. What do I want from you? Okay, the rules of non-disclosure may not apply, but I’m going to tell you. I want your love. That’s right. I need love too. And I need it from you. Have you left me a comment recently, telling me how much you love me? Perhaps you said you loved my blog, or a particular post, but I know the truth. You love me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

There. Don’t you feel better, now that it’s all out in the open. Admit it. You need love too. So why do I write this blog? Not just for me, that would be selfish. I write for you. Why? Because I want you to feel the love too. That’s right. I love you. There. I said it. That wasn’t so hard.

What are you doing to show your love? To feel loved? Wait a minute. Are we talking about marketing here? Forgive yourself. Selling doesn’t have to be sleazy. It can be a good thing, especially when the thing you’re selling is love. Love, love, love, all we need is love.

Love might make you feel weak in the knees. Can it also make you weak in the head? The word love often conjures up images of loving couples. Perhaps you’ve heard, or believe, that you cannot choose who you love. People who say that are often in unhealthy or one-way relationships. One gives, the other takes and takes and takes. Love should set you free. A little bondage may be exciting, but you need to be able to get up and walk out the door at your choosing.

Subjugation is an interesting word. It means to dominate or control. If you don’t feel like you’re in control of your life, then you are being dominated. We are freedom-seeking creatures. Social structures demand control. We grow up and give up.

Somebody has to let the cat out of the bag, but the greater question is, who put it in the bag in the first place. I didn’t. You didn’t. It must have done it to itself. Therein resides the riddle of life. People love freedom, then give it up to get it, work so you can take a vacation, struggle for years so you can relax later. Destiny moves in the direction of those wielding the greatest influence. It doesn’t have to be this way. But for the vast majority, it is.

Marketing 101: Want to feel better? Buy our crap. Want to get more out of life? Buy our solution. Want to live better? Buy more crap. Do you really need all that crap? Of course you do. How else are you going to sell that self-image? Everyone is marketing to the marketers. It works. Why do you work? For money to buy all the crap you don’t need, for money to purchase the freedom you gave up, for money to purchase the health you lost working for money.

Bondage 101: Want to feel better? Let me take care of you. Want to get more out of life? I’ll show you the way. Want to live better? Just do as I say. It is so much easier to let someone else make the important decisions. It is simpler working for someone else, they set the priorities. Eventually you forget everything you knew before you entered Kindergarden, self-discovery, self-reliance, self-direction.

Don’t allow your love for life and self be corrupted. No matter where you find yourself on the wheel of life, the course can be changed, history can be rewritten, and the course of destiny can be molded to your desires. Never forget, it’s your life. Your life.

Don’t worry about us. Our love is pure. I’m here to set your mind free. Why? Because I love you.