You were never cast out of the garden

We live simultaneously in two worlds, one inner and the other outer. Not one thing will change in the outer world until a change occurs within. As you change within, the world changes around you. You are the change you seek. You never left the Garden. You simply forgot where it was. It is here, within you.

To awaken into the second world is to awaken to the truth of your relationship with all of Life. The blind will see and the deaf will hear. Then will you know the substance of your dominion. Then will you know your Creative purpose. Then will you know the true meaning of your Life.

Do not allow yourself to be discouraged by the confusion in the world. These are but the pangs of the second birth. You are in the midst of your awakening. You are in the midst of your re-birth into the Garden of Heaven. This is your destiny because it is your desire.

You need know only this: you will awaken. Not one will remain asleep. No one will be left behind. You may resist, if you desire, but that will only add to your discomfort. Relax into the knowingness of the truth of your Being. You are everything you seek, everything you desire, everything you need.

With this knowledge, BE that which you desire to experience. Worry not about what there is to do. As you live from the integrity of your Being, your doings will reflect that out of which they arise. The doors will open and the Light of Truth will shine from the hearts and minds of those who truly Live.