Measuring down

Do you measure up? Just like no-fault insurance, this is a term that means exactly its opposite.

Comparing yourself to others will often end up bringing you down. There’s always going to be someone smarter, better looking, happier, healthier, more charismatic, wealthier. It’s a no-win game. Stop playing. Change the rules. If you must compare, compare yourself to yourself. This is a game you can win.

Some people call it self-improvement. It is human growth. You’ve been doing it your whole life. Maybe you’ve fallen down, a lot, more than most, constantly. Okay. You got up again. That has to count for something. Give yourself some credit. You deserve it. Even the worst of us has something to share.

Maybe you’ve hit bottom, you’re ready to quit, to give up. Try a bit of measuring-down. There’s always someone in worst shape than you, someone worse off, someone truly undeserving. There you go, you’re on your way up again. See how easy that was.

It’s your life. Now, how do you want to live it?