Are you broken or merely broke?

There is a difference between being broke, without money, and being broken, without spirit. A lack of money can be overcome. A person lacking spirit can be defeated with little effort.

You’ve probably heard how circus elephants are trained. While young they are chained to a deeply set stake from which they cannot break free. Eventually they give up. After that a small rope tied to a simple wooden stake is enough to hold them in place. Once their spirit is broken they are easily trained to do their master’s bidding.

What does it take to break the spirit of a human being? The process isn’t much different from that of the elephant. They simply need to be repeatedly and consistently discouraged. The child who can’t please their parents, the student who can’t satisfy their teachers expectations, the employee who can’t meet their bosses approval.

The stronger the desire, the greater the discouragement. Apathy becomes the safest point of view. It’s hard to discourage those who already lack interest, concern, or enthusiasm.

How many people are working at jobs they actively dislike or hate? Why don’t they leave? They’re not chained to their desks. But, just like the elephant tied to the stake, they accept their circumstance. They choose to be broken rather than face the possibility of becoming broke.

Maybe you haven’t given up. You’re writing a book or starting an internet business. Opportunities abound for those with a creative mind and heart. On this path you may encounter another form of discouragement, that of being ignored. It’s very disheartening to pour your heart into a book or business and go unnoticed.

The fully developed person may fall, but will not remain a victim of circumstance. This is the promise of adulthood, of the free being, to choose, and then choose again until they find their release. As long as discouragement remains out there and inspiration reigns within there is hope. Never give up hope.

When hope is gone so is choice. And then all that remains is but an empty shell. The person who is broke, without funds, may be viewed by the world as weak and a failure. But this outer condition is only temporary when the spirit within still dreams of better days.

Never be afraid to dream inspired dreams. Never give up. You are greater than your circumstance.