One big unreasonable family
“Why can’t she …” was the beginning of a question I’d heard from my wife a million times or more since we’ve been married. I always try to provide a creative answer which, this day, was “why can’t you just accept that leopards have spots?” My wife is a bit of an idealist. She thinks…
Relationship is a dirty word
The year was 1979, my final year of college. Three of us had been accepted into an internship program with an institute for the psychologically impaired. We were given a tour on our first day, after which we were to choose which area we would work in. One building housed beings so physically deformed that…
How to be yourself
I was 7 years old when I got caught stealing. I was outside of the store when the manager rapped on the window, pointed at me, and yelled, “wait right there”. I stood there, watching him walk further into the store to exit the counter, then on the other side of the counter to the…
Finding and losing a self
When I was a young boy I didn’t have much of a self-image. Most of my time was spent daydreaming, usually off somewhere alone. Even in school I spent more time lost in the depths of my imagination that I did listening to the teachers. Any physical energy put forth was primary focused on blending…
How to see more clearly
If I were to tell you that you have a blind spot in your eye, you might not believe me. But it’s true. There is a spot on our cornea which does not register light, a blind spot in the middle of our vision. Yet we see a complete picture because our brain fills in…
Scars, memories and imagination
I have a scar on my leg. About 12 years ago, I was dragging a steel tractor wagon out from behind a shed. Overgrown weeds made my task more difficult. My efforts disturbed a nest of hornets which quickly surrounded and began stinging me. I quickly let go of the wagon which fell and scraped…