Category: The Real World

  • Finding and losing a self

    When I was a young boy I didn’t have much of a self-image. Most of my time was spent daydreaming, usually off somewhere alone. Even in school I spent more time lost in the depths of my imagination that I did listening to the teachers. Any physical energy put forth was primary focused on blending…

  • Are your dreams alive?

    Imagine this. You walk out your front door one day and discover a dead body on your path. What words might adequately describe your feelings? The next day there is another body on your path. This continues day after day after day. One day you barely even notice, you’ve become desensitized. These scenes are now…

  • Is your resolve looking forward or back?

    A resolution looking forward means you’ve decided on a firm course of action, indicating you’ve come to a decision that will enable you to achieve something of worth to you. You will move forward with wholehearted determination. Your conviction, belief, and desire ensure your success. There is great power in this form of choosing. A…